Cerused Oak Cabinets

So before I commit to tossing these out I am trying to research ways in which I can refinish them to achieve one of the weathereddriftwoodcerused oak looks below. But you can. Cerused French Oak Kitchens And Cabinets Kitchen Trend 2016 Petite Haus Natural French oak and particularly cerused or limed oak finishes began a slow creep back into kitchens from the high-end furniture market after oak pieces by mid-20th century design icons Jean-Michel Frank and others hit their height as collectibles around 2007. Cerused oak cabinets . Oak is a favorite wood for cerusing because its heavy grain and open cellular structure means that it takes the diluted paint or liming wax easily. The limed oak effect became popular in the Art Deco era and was pioneered by French interior designers Jean-Michel Frank and Austrian furniture maker Paul T. Cerused espresso oak four. Cerused wood is available in multiple furniture styles including headboards tables lamps and of course cabinets both ki...