What Does It Mean When You See Black Spots
Usually excessive sun exposure over many years causes sun spots age spots that look like dark brown to black patches on the skin. Find Optometrists near you. Why You See Flashes Floaters Lights In Your Eyes Health Plus When this happens blood pools in your legs temporarily and the blood flow to your brain is very briefly affected leading to symptoms like dizziness or black spots in front of the eyes. What does it mean when you see black spots . If you see a lot of black spots you must seek medical care immediately. If you notice a black or dark spot on your tooth its important to follow up with your dentist. When you see a flurry of black spots it could mean that your retina is about to detach from the back of your eye. Depending on their size black spots can affect the clarity rating of the stone. It tends to occur a among dark-skinned individuals. When they disappear for awhile this is because youve managed to move it into a position out of your field of vision. ...