Agent Orange News
Agent Orange has caused him many health problems including prostate cancer diabetes heart and stomach issues hypertension and hyperthyroidism. Named Agent Orange after the coloured stripe on the barrels it was stored in the US Army supporting the South Vietnamese spent a decade from 1961 spraying approximately 80 million litres over. Agent Orange Study Was Obstructed Panel Says The New York Times The news comes on the heels of the Jan. Agent orange news . Agent Orange and intergenerational effects The National Academies of Sciences Engineering and Medicine has reviewed the latest scientific literature on the long-term health effects of Agent Orange and other herbicides including birth defects in the descendants of Vietnam Veterans and reported findings. Huey helicopter sprays Agent Orange over Vietnam. Military used at least 11 million gallons of Agent Orange in Vietnam from 1961 to 1972. Military used at least 11 million gallons of Agent Orange in Vietnam from 1961 to 197...